Budget-friendly Chipotle Chicken with Potato Wedges and Cowboy Beans

Chipotle Chicken with Potato Wedges and Cowboy Beans

Kosher meat can sometimes seem prohibitively expensive, but butchering your own chicken is one of the most effective ways of shaving the cost of your meat bill. Part of our budget chicken recipe series, this recipe uses the drumsticks, legs and thighs to create a cost-effective family meal for 4. You may wish to supplement a little extra chicken to feed 4 adults or older children, but with the beans, there really is plenty of filling protein on the plate already. With a few herbs and spices you can elevate a simple chips and beans meal into something fantastic and fun! The best part – this meal (at the time of publishing) costs less than £2.50 per portion, so you can feed a family of 4 for under a tenner!

Budget-Friendly Chicken Miso Ramen

Chicken Miso Ramen

Seemingly exotic larder ingredients like miso paste and soy sauce may seem, on the surface, like an expensive option, but in reality, they last for ages and can be used to add big punches of flavour to dishes like this budget-friendly chicken miso ramen. Made from fermented soybeans, slightly tangy and deeply umami notes can be added to a broth with the addition of just one spoonful of this delicious Japanese seasoning, and a jar of miso will keep refrigerated for several months once opened. An excellent way to spin out leftovers into something new and exciting, this recipe is as cost effective as it is delicious.

Budget Friendly Chicken Soup

Budget Chicken Soup

A budget-friendly version of our Classic Chicken Soup, this recipe uses a chicken carcass as its base. We do not recommend trying this with one from the butcher, as they tend to strip the carcass very clean, but rather, if you are butchering your own chicken, you can leave a little extra meat on the bones, to stretch the chicken that bit further. Not all chickens imbue the same amount of flavour, and if the carcass does not have much meat left on it, you may wish to add a stock cube at the end to give an extra punch of flavour. This recipe will work better still if you can use two carcasses.