Chocolate (Lice) Bark

Never imagined the Plague of Lice or Locusts as a yummy treat? Now you can! No dessert in our arsenal is easier or yummier than this one, and at the same time a great way to get others involved in the action. When we read of the Plague of Lice, where God turned the very dust of Egypt into lice, this is when Pharaoh’s magicians are beaten in the lie and they finally saw the finger of God.

The chocolate bark is nowhere near as terrifying, but it is a great way to discuss how small things that seem insignificant have the power to change much bigger and seemingly strong things.


  • 300g white, milk, or dark chocolate, roughly chopped
    To decorate (all optional)
  •  freeze-dried raspberries or strawberries
  • pistachios, roughly chopped
  • flaked almonds
  • sea salt
  • mini marshmallows
  • raisins
  • dried cranberries

1. Melt 200g of the chocolate in a glass bowl of a simmering pan of water or in the microwave. Stir in the remaining 100g until melted. Leave to cool for 5 minutes.
2. Pour out onto a large sheet of baking paper and use a teaspoon to even out the melted chocolate, leaving a few waves in the mix. Scatter over your chosen toppings and refrigerate until solid.
3. Use a knife to cut the chocolate into shards of bark.