Wild Animal Shnitzels & Beef ‘Bearger’ Patties

Wild Animals - Beef 'Beargers' and Shnitzels

Immersive Ten Plagues Seder Menu: Plague 4 – Wild Animals Serves 6 Seder night is maybe the one time it’s acceptable for kids to play with their food. We wanted to bring some levity to the table and our wild animal burgers and shnitzels do just that. Each recipe makes 6 pieces. They are child-sized […]

Potato Croquettes

Potato Croquettes

This simple recipe is a great way of using up leftover mashed potatoes. Serving size is dependent on how much leftover mash you have! Of course you can make this recipe with fresh mashed potato, but if you’re looking for a simple way of using up leftovers, then this offers a fresh twist on an […]

Mashed Potatoes with Mushroom & Caramelised Onion ‘Lice’

Mashed Potatoes with Caramelised Onion and Mushroom 'Lice'

Immersive Ten Plagues Seder Menu: Plague 3 – Lice Serves 6 Prep time: 30 mins | Cooking time: 30-45 mins The Egyptians tormented the Israelites by forcing them to sweep dirt from the streets, and when the third plague struck, that same dust turned into lice tormenting the Egyptians.According to the Yalkut Shimoni, a mixture […]

Roasted Tomato & Basil Soup with Herby Matza Balls

Roasted Tomato Soup with Herby Matza Balls

Immersive Ten Plagues Seder Menu: Plagues 1 & 2 – Blood & Frogs Serves 6 Prep time: 30 mins | Cooking time: 2h 10mins We wanted something warming to start the meal and while chicken soup might be traditional for many a festive feast, opening with tomato soup might just spark the question, ‘Why is […]

Celeriac Wild Animals

Serves 6 as a side or children’s portion Seder night is maybe the one time it’s acceptable for kids to play with their food. We wanted to bring some levity to the table and our wild animal celeriac bites do just that. They are bite-sized portions which present a fun springboard for conversation about the […]


125g (1 cup) matza meal 4 eggs, beaten 60ml (1/4 cup) oil 60ml (1/4 cup) sparkling water/seltzer 1 tsp salt Combine all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl. Place in the fridge for at least half an hour to set up. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of well salted water to a boil. To […]