Harissa Honey Mushroom Pockets

Makes 20+ pockets Prep time: 30 minutes | Cooking time: 30 minutes It is traditional at the beginning of the Jewish year, and particularly at Sukkot, to eat stuffed foods, signifying a plentiful harvest. A vegetarian alternative to our brisket pockets, these mushroom bourekas sweetened with honey (for a sweet new year) and spicy with […]

Harissa Honey Brisket Pockets

Makes 20-40 pastry pockets Prep time: 75 minutes | Cooking time: 6½ hours There is a custom at start of the Jewish new year, and especially on Sukkot, to eat stuffed foods, signifying abundance following the harvest season.  Sweetened with honey (for a sweet new year), spicy with harissa and plentiful in number, these succulent […]