Budget Friendly Chicken Soup

Budget Chicken Soup

A budget-friendly version of our Classic Chicken Soup, this recipe uses a chicken carcass as its base. We do not recommend trying this with one from the butcher, as they tend to strip the carcass very clean, but rather, if you are butchering your own chicken, you can leave a little extra meat on the bones, to stretch the chicken that bit further. Not all chickens imbue the same amount of flavour, and if the carcass does not have much meat left on it, you may wish to add a stock cube at the end to give an extra punch of flavour. This recipe will work better still if you can use two carcasses.

Classic Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup with Kneidlach (Matzah Balls)

Often referred to as Jewish penicillin, there are few dishes more iconic in the Jewish repertoire than this Ashkenazic Friday Night staple, served with kneidlach (matzah balls) or lokshen (noodles). There are an infinite number of minor tweaks to this recipe from the addition of tomatoes and dill to arguments about clarity, but what we can all agree upon is that if your mum ever made chicken soup for you when you were sick then you will insist forevermore that hers is, was and always will be the best, and nobody will ever convince you otherwise. We’re okay with that, because our mums all made the best soup, too!

Loaded Matzah Nachos

Loaded Matzah Nachos

These delicious Loaded Matzah Nachos are a speedy crowd-pleaser. Easy, fun and tasty, these are a great Passover treat, and can be whipped up in minutes. Try topped with Guacamole (recipe below) or BBQ mushrooms and our Mango, Lime & Chilli Salsa.
Below are recipes for a sweet, pancake-esque matzah brei which we love at breakfast, and a savoury scramble which makes for a delicious, filling lunch or dinner which can be whisked up in minutes!


Sweet vs Savoury Matza Brei

Sweet or savoury, wet or dry – nobody can agree on a definitive way to make matzah brei, but we can all agree that matzah and egg are a winning (and extremely versatile combo), and a staple of the Passover repertoire in millions of Jewish homes worldwide.

Below are recipes for a sweet, pancake-esque matzah brei which we love at breakfast, and a savoury scramble which makes for a delicious, filling lunch or dinner which can be whisked up in minutes!